We Value Your Feedback

Your feedback is of utmost importance. Please help us further improve our services by filling the survey below.

Let's Start!

1. How satisfied are you with our overall products and services?*

  • ASatisfied
  • BNeutral
  • CUnsatisfied

2. Which of the banking service channel(s) have you used the most?*

Choose as many as you like
  • ABranch
  • BATM
  • CCall Centre
  • DAL Habib Mobile App & Netbanking
  • ENone of the above

3. What area do you feel the bank needs further improvement on?*

Choose as many as you like
  • ACustomer Services
  • BProduct Range
  • CStaff Knowledge
  • DBranch Ambience
  • EOther

4. How likely are you to continue using Bank AL Habib for your future banking needs?*

  • AWill Use
  • BMay or May not use
  • CWill Not Use

5. Would you recommend others to use Bank AL Habib?*

  • AWill Recommend
  • BMay or May not
  • CWill Not Recommend

Please provide your additional comments or suggestions

Thank you for completing the survey!

For any queries on our products and services, please visit our website www.bankalhabib.com or write us on feedback@bankalhabib.com